Posts By

Adam Stein

Why is my custom view not matching any requests?
Why is my custom view not matching any requests?

I created a new custom view, but the list of matching requests is blank. I know a bunch of requests match my filter values. What gives?

Why can’t I see the request type I just created?
Why can’t I see the request type I just created?

I just created a new request type for my organization, but when I log into Tikkit to create a request, the new request type isn't available. What gives?

Why can’t I see the location I just created?
Why can’t I see the location I just created?

I just created a new location for my organization, but when I log into Tikkit to create a new request, the location isn't available. What gives?

Why can’t I log in on my iPhone / iPad?
Why can’t I log in on my iPhone / iPad?

When I try to log into Tikkit using Safari on my iPad / iPhone, the screen just says "Loading," next to an endlessly spinning circle that slowly devours my soul. What gives?

Why can’t I log in on my iPhone / iPad?
Why can’t I log in on my iPhone / iPad?

When I try to log into Tikkit using Safari on my iPad / iPhone, the screen just says "Loading," next to an endlessly spinning circle that slowly devours my soul. What gives?

Why aren’t notifications coming through?
Why aren’t notifications coming through?

I'm a new Tikkit user, and I created some test requests to see what notifications look like. But no notifications are coming through. What gives?

What is the maximum file size for uploads?
What is the maximum file size for uploads?

I have this honking big equipment manual that I want to upload into Tikkit. Will I rip a hole in the internet if I do this?

Viewing audit trails
Viewing audit trails

See the complete history of changes for a request

Using request labels
Using request labels

Use request labels as you get work done to better manage your workflow