Use request labels as you get work done to better manage your workflow

Request labels let you assign status to requests, so that you can keep track of progress and figure out next steps at a glance. Request labels are especially powerful when combined with custom views.

Setting a label when creating new requests

Staff members can assign a request label to a request when it is created (request labels are visible to occupants). If your system is set up with a default request label, this will be selected automatically on the new request form. But you are free to choose a different request label, or none at all.

Default request labels are handy if you have a review process for incoming requests. Grouping them by label makes them easy to find before they are dispatched.

Updating request labels for existing requests

To update the label for a request:

  1. Navigate to the request you wish to update.
  2. On the “Info” tab for that request, find the request label in the info box on the upper right.
  3. Select a new request label value in the dropdown, or set it to “None.”

Updating request labels when closing requests

When you close a request, you are presented with a window that allows you to add an optional comment. The window also allows you to change the request label, which can be useful for tracking purposes. For example, you may have more than one final state for requests: e.g., “Fixed,” “Not under warranty,” “Can’t fix”, etc.

Your system may be set up with a default label for closed requests. If so, it will be selected automatically. You can always choose a different value, or set the label to none before closing.

Using labels in request lists

You can customize the columns displayed in any list of requests to include request labels. You can also sort by these values. Learn more about customizing columns.

Using labels with custom views

Custom views allow you to set up filters for viewing specific lists of requests. You can filter on almost every aspect of requests, including label values. This can be especially handy for supporting specialized workflows, as it allows you to query for all the requests that have a specific status. Learn more about custom views.

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