Creating custom views

Work order systems are a great way to organize the chaos of activity that takes place in a facility, but they can also be quite noisy. In a good-sized facility, dozens or more new requests might be filed every day. How do you stay on top of everything you need to, without getting lost in the stuff you should ignore?

Enter custom views, a way to query for requests that meet whatever criteria you specify. You can even save these views so that you can easily return to them at any time.

Custom views use filters to slice and dice your requests any way you want. For example, you could set up a view to show you all of the critical plumbing requests that are assigned to you. Or see all of the open requests affecting a specific occupant. Or see all of the open requests with the label “Billable” to track invoices that need to go out. The possibilities are endless.

Managing custom views

Custom views appear in the left-hand sidebar whenever you are viewing requests. To see the sidebar, click the “Requests” link at the top of the screen.

In the sidebar, you’ll see three sections. At the top is a section labeled “Requests,” which shows built-in lists of requests. Just below that is a section labeled “Views.” These are your custom views. If you haven’t set up any custom views yet, this section will be empty.

Creating custom views

At the bottom of the Views section in the left-hand sidebar, click on the “Create new view” link. At the top of the new view, you’ll see a set of filters that you can modify to narrow down the list of requests:

  • Time interval. This filter screens requests by creation date. The default time interval is “Past week.” You can change this to a different preset value, or set a custom date range. The preset values are all relative to the current day, so the list of matching requests will change over time. For example, if you choose “Past month,” the view will show requests created within the current calendar month. A custom date range, on the other hand, is fixed, so no new requests will ever match a custom range filter. If you don’t want to exclude requests based on date, set this filter to “Any date.”
  • Location. The default location is “All.” To narrow the view to one or more specific locations, select them in the dropdown. If you have a long list of locations, use the search box to quickly find the one you want.
  • Area. If you narrow your view by location, you can also optionally filter by areas within a location for an ever more fine-grained view. This filter is only available if you actually have areas set up within your locations.
  • Request types. Restrict your view to requests that belong to one or more specific request types. The default value is “All.”
  • Due date. Restrict your view to requests that are due soon, or already overdue. The default value is “Any date (or none).”
  • Priority level. Restrict your view to requests with specific levels of priority. The default is “All.”
  • Assigned to. Restrict your view to requests assigned to one more specific people. Default is “All.”
  • Status. Restrict your view to requests that are either open or closed. The default is “All.”
  • Label. Restrict your view to requests that have a specific label. Default is “All.”
  • Occupant groups. Restrict your view to requests that were created by specific occupant groups. Default is “All.”
  • Status. Restrict your view to requests that are currently open, closed, pending (scheduled for creation at a future date), or templates (master requests for a repeating cycle). Default is “All.”
  • Repeating. Restrict your view to requests that are either part of a repeating series or not part of a repeating series. Default is “All.”

Saving views

If you plan to use a view frequently, save it to your sidebar. Simply click the “Save view” button in the upper left and give your view a name. It will appear in the Views section of the left-hand sidebar, and you can click on the saved view anytime you want to jump to it.

Better yet, the sidebar includes a counter showing how many requests match the view’s filters. This can be a handy alerting mechanism that there are new requests that require your attention.

Note that views are unique to your account. Any views that you create will not be visible to other users.

Any views you create will be available on the mobile version of Tikkit, but you can’t create new views on the mobile site. You can only create views on the desktop version.

Changing view columns

You can select the columns to display for a custom view in the exact same manner you do for the built-in request lists. Just click the “Customize view” button in the upper right to change or re-order the displayed columns.

Updating saved views

To modify a saved view, simply navigate to it and then update the filter values to reflect whatever changes you wish to make. When your view is the way you want it, click the save button in the upper right. Note that if you navigate away from the view without saving changes, the updates will be discarded.

To change the name of a saved view, navigate to it and then click the rename button in the upper right (it has a pencil icon).

Deleting saved views

To delete a saved view, navigate to it and then click the delete button in the upper right.

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