Key performance metrics from the last twelve months

Performance metrics are shown for meters, buildings, and groups. Enter your building’s square footage on its Building info tab.

Trailing twelve months key performance metrics

Key performance metrics for Operations, Costs, energy use, and peak demand compared to the prior twelve months.

Total use: The total kWh used over the past 12 months.

kWh/sf: Enter your building’s square footage on its Building info tab to see this metric: total use divided by building square footage.

Area: Equal to whatever square footage figure you enter into your Building info tab.

Load factor: Load factor is the ratio of average demand to peak demand, expressed as a percentage. We calculate daily load factor values, then average these daily values across the trailing twelve months.

Balance point: The temperature reading where we estimate your building begins mechanical cooling, calculated daily, and averaged over 12 months. Data geeks might want to know this is technically an inflection point in the temperature response curve, fit using 12 months of data.

Start: Daily start times are calculated for open days–closed days are excluded–and this time is averaged across the trailing twelve months.

Shutdown: Daily shutdown times are calculated for open days–closed days are excluded–and this time is averaged across the trailing twelve months.

Open days (Use): The total kWh used over all open days over the past 12 months, divided by the number of open days.

Closed days (Use): The total kWh used over all closed days over the past 12 months, divided by the number of closed days.

Excess (Use): Borrowing the Excess off hours use calculation from the Energy Use – History page, this metric totals all of the excess use kWh–above baseload during shutdown time–over the past year and divided by 365.

Baseload: Based on the latest data available, this baseload figure reflects Snapmeter’s current estimate of the meter’s expected baseload kW.

Peak: The average of the highest kW reading in each of the past 12 calendar months.

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