Setting up Snapmeter: overview

Much of your Snapmeter account will already be set up by the time you first log in. Email us at if you need to add new users to the account.

How Snapmeter Works

Snapmeter handles several types of data, much of it made available in the application without having to touch your building.

Meters: The foundation of your Snapmeter account, meters represent a data series composed of a use reading (typically kW) paired with a time stamp (typically at 15 minute intervals). There are a few different types:

  • Billed utility service meters are meters that receive utility bills, which may or may not be totalized meters composed of 2 or more utility submeters.
  • Utility submeters and totalized meters might be a utility meter connected to a subsystem in your building or a group of submeters representing the entire building.
  • Snapmeter totalizer meters are meters that we create after combining various meter data streams from your utility account.
  • Customer owned submeters and real-time meter data get sent to Snapmeter via an internet-connected gateway in your building. It might be publishing data from a meter you have installed, or from a pulse input from the utility-installed meter.

Buildings: Buildings are composed of one or multiple meters. You can update the Building name and its Area on the Building info tab.

Groups: Groups are composed of one or multiple meters, and can either remain private or shared with everyone in your organization. Groups are particularly useful for reporting. Create one now!

Utility bills: Utility billing data comes from your online utility account. These data are used in budget forecasts, variance reports, and in calculating performance metrics.

Weather data: Weather data includes both dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature readings, which we source from a commercial weather data provider. Your weather data is based on the nearest weather station. When know what you’re thinking…check out this blog post on our high-quality weather data.

Building info: Building data like Area is used for various performance metric calculations, but it’s optional and is not an input into any of Snapmeter’s analytics.

Metrics and reports: Various performance metrics like load factor, balance point, kWh/sf, and expected baseload are the output of Snapmeter’s deep analytical calculations. They are available in custom reporting, which allow you to combine and summarize them across a number of dimensions and time periods.

Configuring Snapmeter

Since much of your Snapmeter account will already be set up by the time you first log in, there is little left for you to do.

Buildings: Enter your Building name, Area, and Energy Star score on the Building info screen.  

Groups: Create a private or Shared group for everyone in your organization.

Reports: Creating a custom report brings together all of Snapmeter’s analytics in the ways you find most useful, and in easy-to-share Excel downloads.

Settings: You can change your name, email address, and password on your Settings page.

New users: Email us if there’s been a change in your building operations team, or if you simply want to add additional users. Each Snapmeter subscription comes with unlimited users.

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