6,500 buildings show value of energy meter data analytics

Photo of 55 Natoma St. courtesy of Denys Nevozhai

Buildings are full of energy savings potential that can be uncovered with the right analysis.

Built on four years of data from its Smart Energy Analytics Campaign – spanning 104 organizations, 6,500 buildings, and more than 500 million square feet – the Lawrence Berkeley National Labs has published a new report quantifying savings from energy meter data analytics at $0.03/sf. Across all of the participating organizations, estimated savings total 4.1 trillion Btu and $95 million once energy meter data analytics use is fully deployed.

How LBNL maps out the monitoring-based commissioning process.

While there is a range of savings outcomes reported, the LBNL authors state that savings are expected to persist, or even increase, in the future as more energy efficiency measures are identified and actions are taken to address them.

Across the buildings included in the study, energy analytics were often deployed alongside retrofit projects, or as the starting point to identify what buildings in a portfolio might be good candidates for an upgrade project – this matches Gridium’s approach to retrofit scoping. Indeed, it’s reported that 79% of organizations in the study considered EMIS deployments an important component of their retrofit strategy or for project savings M&V.

We would like to congratulate and acknowledge the team at LBNL including Hannah Kramer, Guanjing Lin, Claire Curtin, Eliot Crowe, and Jessica Granderson, their supporters at the Department of Energy, and the building owners who participated and contributed data. We recommend reading the report in its entirety.


About Millen Paschich

Millen began his career at Cambridge Associates, trained in finance at SMU, and has an MBA from UCLA. Talk to him about bicycling, business, and green chile burritos.

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