Install the app on your mobile device

Installing the Gridium app on your phone is easy. We recommend performing the installation over a wireless internet connection so that the download will be fast.

On an iPhone

Every iPhone comes with the App Store installed.

  • Tap on the App Store to open it
  • Select Search in the bottom navigation bar
  • Search for “Gridium”
  • Tap Get to install the app

Once the app has finished downloading, find it on your device and tap it to open it.

On an Android device

Android devices should come with the Google Play store already installed. 

  1. On your device, go to the Apps section.
  2. Tap Google Play Store
  3. Search for “Gridium”
  4. Select the Gridium app from the search results
  5. Tap Install

Once the app has finished downloading, find it on your device and tap it to open it.

Signing into the app for the first time

When you open the app for the first time, you will be asked to provide your email address and password. For your email address, use the same one associated with your Gridium account. For your password, use the mobile password you set up.

After logging in, most people will be taken directly to their account. The first time you log in, it will take a few seconds for the app to retrieve all of your account data. Again, we recommend being on an internet connection for this step.

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