Valuing diversified energy projects
Jamie Mandel–Managing Director, Rocky Mountain Institute–and Phil Keuhn–Principal, RMI–discuss energy project portfolio optimization and the value of green leases for real estate owners and investors.
Jamie Mandel–Managing Director, Rocky Mountain Institute–and Phil Keuhn–Principal, RMI–discuss energy project portfolio optimization and the value of green leases for real estate owners and investors.
Natalie Mims Frick–Energy Efficiency Program Manager at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory–discusses her DOE-supported research and the importance of efficiency resources.
New energy efficiency guidelines mean you can ditch your deemed savings spreadsheets and actually get paid for your LED retrofits.
I was recently asked to talk at an investor conference about new markets for energy efficiency, below are my remarks about the fundamentals of our changing grid.
Dror Poleg–Author and Co-Chair of the Urban Land Institute’s Technology and Innovation Council in New York–discusses his new book on how technology is changing the way humans work, live, eat, shop, and travel.
Trends and geographies of ordinances, regulations, and requirements affecting commercial real estate buildings.
"The challenge is how do you get out of that sea of data into making decisions, with AI, that are actually going to build the value, not the drudgery of analyzing."
Gridium technology is built with powerful data analytics and delivers bankable energy savings for all stakeholders in a sustainable built environment, from tenants to building managers and owners.
Gridium Software builds value from what you currently have. Our new Gridium Alpha offering develops upgrade projects for your building, measures the results, and sells these harvested efficiency resources back to the Grid. All with zero upfront costs.
Look past the one liner tweets and big money clickbait headlines and you'll see the ground is shifting beneath your building.
What does an academic study from 1943, on the diffusion of adoption of hybrid seeds by farmers in Iowa, tell us about harvesting energy efficiency in 2019?
Time-of-use periods are shifting at California investor owned utilities, creating a tailwind for commercial building energy OPEX.