BOMA SF asks the right questions on city’s Draft...
Nailing down the right path through the energy transition requires a close accounting of the decarbonization tradeoffs in policy decisions like natural gas bans.
Nailing down the right path through the energy transition requires a close accounting of the decarbonization tradeoffs in policy decisions like natural gas bans.
To solve the climate crisis, fix buildings first.
"We find that certain management practices that encourage knowledge sharing between coworkers can raise long-term productivity. The Structured-Meetings treatment was particularly effective, suggesting the constraint on knowledge flows is initiation costs..."
Gridium layers business intelligence on top of your energy data.
The worlds of Biden's politics, Kim Stanley Robinson's hard science fiction, and our buildings are colliding together this winter with climate change.
Utility tariffs have changed. Has your demand management strategy?
New report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Labs calculates energy data analytics savings of 3%.
A new set of features in Gridium software takes advantage of our online connection to your building’s energy use and billing data to calculate project savings in near real time.
The On-Bill Financing (OBF) programs that have taken root are an incredible boost to building owners – especially in the time of COVID.
Let's take a look at Gridium's new Cash Curve analyses to understand the dollar impact of Time-of-Use period shifts.
As we study the data across Alpha projects, one consistent post-COVID pattern is that buildings with pneumatics almost always want to get rid of them.
It’s hard to believe that we are really only five months into a pandemic that has upended almost every aspect of our lives. I want to share with you some of the ways Gridium has adjusted its analytics in response…