Reporting overview

Tikkit helps you organize and coordinate your day-to-day activities, but it also does much more than that — it documents the complete history of work in your buildings. Mine that historical record for all kinds of insights:

  • Use real data to inform your budgeting and resource planning
  • Identify the properties or activities that are consuming a disproportionate share of your resources
  • Focus your capital projects on areas that will yield the greatest return Perform cost tradeoff analysis between using outside vendors vs. staff resources

Tikkit reports provide the key to answering these questions and others.

Report types

Tikkit provides two types of reports:

  • Trend reports help you understand how activity is changing over time. Learn more.
  • Crosstab reports help you understand how activity varies across properties, staff members, or other factors. Learn more.

Creating a new report

To create a new report:

  1. Click “Reports” in the top menu.
  2. In the lefthand sidebar, there is a section labeled “Create a new report”. Click on the type of report you wish to create.
  3. Every new report starts with a set of default values that you can adjust to focus on the data you are most interested in. Change values by choosing new settings from the dropdown menus at the top of each report.

Saving a report

To save a new report, click the “Save report” button in the upper left. Give the saved report a name. The report will appear in the lefthand sidebar under “Saved reports.” To access it in the future, simply click on the name of the report.

Downloading report data

The raw data underlying any report can be downloaded as a spreadsheet so you can perform further analysis or embed the values in other documents. Simply click the “Download .CSV” button in the upper left to download a file that can be opened by any spreadsheet software, including Microsoft Excel.

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