Tikkit's inbox lets staff and occupants file requests by email.

Say one of your occupants emails you about a light out in a conference room. You want to file the request in Tikkit so you can assign it and track it. You could cut and paste the email into the Tikkit website.

Or you could just forward it to your Tikkit inbox. Here’s how.

Send or forward an email to your Tikkit inbox

What is the address for your Tikkit inbox?

Your Tikkit email inbox matches your Tikkit website domain. If your website is available at:


Then your email inbox is:

Tip: Add Tikkit to your contact list

Who uses their memory for anything anymore? Add your Tikkit inbox address to your email address book for ease of access.

How emails get turned into requests

When you send an email to this address, Tikkit turns the various pieces of the email into elements of a request.

Tikkit field Email field
Creator Sender. You must have an active account in Tikkit to use the inbox.
Summary Email subject
Details Details
Attachments Any images or documents attached to the email are also attached to the request

Double checking your other request fields

So far, so handy. But requests have additional fields like priority, location, and request type that are often important to proper handling. Tikkit will do its best to assign appropriate values to these fields.

Unfortunately, computers are kind of dumb sometimes. Sure, they can win Jeopardy and play grand-master level chess, but they won’t necessarily know the priority level of that burst pipe.

Whenever you file a request by email, you’ll receive a confirmation message that highlights fields the system filled out for you. Review this message and click through to the website to make any changes.

Set request fields with email commands

Introducing email commands

Rather than let the computer make dumb computer guesses, you can set the value of various request fields by including special commands at the top of the emails you send into Tikkit.

For example, if you start the email with this line:

priority: high

The request will be assigned a priority of (wait for it) high.

The complete set of email commands
Command Values Description
priority 1, 2, 3, 4, low, medium, high, critical Set the request priority
location location name Set the request location
type request type Set the request type


Here’s an example email that uses commands to set request fields:

This will create a low-priority Lighting request at the Four Star Hotel location.

Additional tips

  • Put commands at the top. Tikkit won’t see them if they are buried further down.
  • One command per line. They should be separated by line breaks.
  • Typos are (mostly) OK. If you provide a location name, Tikkit will do its best to spell check it for you.

Finally, don’t be afraid to let Tikkit guess for you. Sometimes it can be pretty smart. For example, it will assign new requests to the same location as the last request you created. So if you’re creating multiple requests in a row, you may be able to save yourself some typing.

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