Communicating with staff, occupants, and vendors

Tikkit is all about communication. Work in buildings requires coordination and collaboration — between staff members, occupants, and outside vendors.

In the past, coordination meant headaches: lots of time spent on the phone or in email chasing people down, troubleshooting, and following up. Many property managers complain about not even knowing if work has been done until they receive an invoice in the mail. And even if the work was done, it’s anybody’s guess whether the issue was actually resolved.

Tikkit untangles this mess. You can attach multiple discussions to a single request, so that staff, tenant, and vendors are all kept up to date with the information they need — and only the information they need. Private messages stay private.

Advanced vendor management features coming soon

Right now, to interact with vendors via Tikkit, you have to set them up as staff members. In the very near future, we will be adding a host of new vendor management features to improve the way you work with vendors in Tikkit.

Sending and receiving messages in Tikkit

Info tab

When you open up a request in Tikkit, you’ll see two tabs: An Info tab and a Discussions tab.

The Info tab shows the main information regarding the request, such as when it was created, who filed it, the location of the request, etc. It also contains the description of the issue.

The description of the request serves as the start of the primary discussion. Depending on who filed the request, the primary discussion can involve different parties. For example, if an occupant filed the request, she will be part of the primary discussion. But if a staff member filed the request, the primary discussion will be staff only.

On the info tab, you’ll see the most recent messages in the primary discussion, and you can respond directly on this page. As always, you can also attach images or documents.

Below the primary discussion, you’ll see links to any other discussions associated with the request. Click any of these to be taken to the full discussion.

Discussions tab

On the discussion tab, you will see a list of all the discussion associated with the request. Click on any one of them to review message history and post a new message.

At the top of each discussion, you’ll see a note informing you of everyone who can see the discussion messages. For example, if occupants are able to see the discussion, you will see a list of exactly which occupants have access to the request.

Remember: staff can see all discussions for any location that they have access to.

At the bottom of each discussion, you’ll see a list of people who will be notified when you post a new message.

The notification list isn’t (necessarily) the same as the access list at the top of the page. For a person to be notified of a new message, two things have to be true:

  1. They have to be following the request.
  2. And they have to have notifications turned on.

So, for example, Jerry the staff member might be able to see the discussion by logging into Tikkit, because he has access to the building that the request is associated with. But the request isn’t assigned to Jerry and he isn’t following it, so he won’t receive notifications when a message is posted.

Unread message markers

If you manage a lot of requests, it can be challenging to stay on top of all the incoming messages. Unread message markers ease the burden by showing you exactly which messages require your attention.

These markers, which appear throughout the Tikkit interface, show you both where and how many unread messages you have. And yes, Tikkit does mark a message as read if you open up an email notification related to the message.

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