Assign requests to vendors as easily as you do to staff

Assigning to vendors doesn’t require you to set up the vendor in advance. Instead, you can enter an email address when assigning a request, and a new vendor will be set up in Tikkit for you.

Assigning to vendors

Assigning to an existing vendor

When a request is created

To assign a request to an existing vendor when creating the request:

  1. If necessary, choose a location first so that the assignment field appears (eligible staff vary with location).
  2. In the “Assign to staff” section, click on “Assign to a vendor instead”.
  3. Choose a vendor from the list. Typing part of the vendor’s name will narrow the list to matching vendors.
  4. Assigning to a vendor will bring up a new field: “Vendor email subject.” Tikkit will attempt to populate this for you, but you can change the contents to whatever you like.
  5. Enter the request details as you normally do. These will also be sent to the vendor in the body of the email.

After a request is created

To assign an existing request to a vendor, navigate to the request and then:

  1. In the righthand info box, click on the “Assigned to” field.
  2. The menu that opens up has two tabs, one for Staff, one for Vendors. Click on the Vendors tab.
  3. Choose a vendor from the list. Typing part of the vendor’s name will narrow the list to matching vendors.
  4. Once you have selected a vendor, a window will appear allowing you to tailor communication to the vendor. An email subject and body will be automatically generated for you, but you can choose to edit these.
  5. Click “Send & Assign” to assign to the vendor and send them an email notification with details regarding the request.
  6. Alternatively, you can click “Assign without sending” if you don’t want to trigger an email to the vendor. This can be handy if, for example, you already communicated with the vendor by phone.

Assigning to a new vendor

You can create a new vendor when assigning either a new or existing request. To do so:

  1. In the vendor search box, type the new vendor’s email address. A “Create vendor” link will appear. Click it.
  2. You will see the usual options for communicating with the new vendor by email. But instead of sending the request immediately, you will proceed to a new form to set up the new vendor.
  3. To set up a vendor all you need is an email address, which you’ve already provided, and a name. The name can be either a person or a business. Vendor will attempt to an internet lookup for you, to save you some typing.
  4. Optionally provide a trade for the vendor, such as Plumbing. Choose an existing trade from the list, or click “Add a trade…” to create a new one.
  5. Optionally add a phone number for the vendor.
  6. Click send to create the new vendor and assign the request.

What happens next

Once you assign to a vendor, an email is sent off with the subject line you chose. The body of the message includes the request details, including links to any attachments or images you included.

The vendor can reply to the request directly via email, and the reply will be captured in Tikkit and associated with the request. You will also receive a notification of the reply, if you have notifications turned on.

The vendor can also optionally choose to click from the email through to a version of Tikkit that provides restricted access to just the request that has been assigned. The vendor can see the history of their own conversation related to the request, but nothing else.

Tikkit gives the vendor the option of accepting or declining the request, or asking for additional info. Vendors aren’t required to take any of these actions, but if they do, the request will be updated and you will be notified.

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