Load duration and an hours-at-load bell curve

These load duration graphs are only available for Meter data, and are based on the trailing twelve months (or with whatever data is available, if there is less than a year’s worth of data).

Load duration curves–steeper the peakier

This load duration curve displays a cumulative percentage relationship: as you trace the cursor over the line, you will see a demand kW reading and a percentage reading. For example, a 10% at 600 kW reading tells you that 10% of the time, the meter demand is reading 600 kW or greater.   

If the load duration curve is steep, that suggests certain demand management strategies might be particularly effective.

We walked through five of these charts in greater detail on this Pricey curves is load duration blog post.

Hours at load–time spent in demand kW buckets

The hours at load graph adds a new layer of detail to the shape of the bell curve of your meter’s load curve. How many hours over the past year were spent in a particular 20 kW demand bucket?

Trace your cursor over the bars on the graph for an individual hours reading in each demand kW bucket.

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