
Introducing Gridium Alpha – Zero CapEx Energy Projects

Gridium Software builds value from what you currently have. Our new Gridium Alpha offering develops upgrade projects for your building, measures the results, and sells these harvested efficiency resources back to the Grid. All with zero upfront costs.

A WeWork butterfly

Look past the one liner tweets and big money clickbait headlines and you’ll see the ground is shifting beneath your building.

Hybrid seeds & energy harvesting

What does an academic study from 1943, on the diffusion of adoption of hybrid seeds by farmers in Iowa, tell us about harvesting energy efficiency in 2019?

Building & using building technology

Atul Khanzode–Technology and Innovation Leader at DPR Construction–discusses digital twins, designing for efficiency, and deploying technology.

Pricey curves in load duration

Five examples show how to find the best buildings for battery storage investments, understand where to focus on peak demand management, and quickly analyze a year’s worth of data.

Daily engineering vs. engineering education

J.P. Pascoli–P.E. and Director, Physical Asset Management & Reliability at the world’s second-largest uranium producer–discusses how we can tune the settings of engineering education to fit to actual engineering careers.