
Buildings and the grid: Twin Peaks?
Buildings and the grid: Twin Peaks?

We turn to Gridium customer data to explore if a building's peak demand is related to the grid's peak demand

When better buildings get even better
When better buildings get even better

Hilton Worldwide and Whole Foods Market SWAP energy management teams and discover new savings opportunities for better buildings.

Turning work order reporting into your department’s story
Turning work order reporting into your department’s...

What can you learn from analyzing changes in the number of work orders created and resolved in your buildings? Some buildings use work order reporting to tell their operational team's story to other parts of the organization.

Building operations tips for the holidays – top 5 list
Building operations tips for the holidays – top 5 list

With the holiday season in full swing, now is a prime time for building drift to creep into your operations. These top 5 building operations tips for the holidays will help your engineering and maintenance teams get prepared.

What Kaizen tells us about continuous commissioning
What Kaizen tells us about continuous commissioning

Major advances in building efficiency can result from incremental operational tweaks. British Cycling's Olympic squad adopted a continuous improvement mindset, and went from 1 for 76 in gold medals to 7 for 10 at the Beijing Olympics.