Set mobile passwords for users

Users who are Account Administrators can set mobile passwords on behalf of users, which can help speed adoption across the organization.

Setting or updating user passwords

The following feature is only available to Account Administrators.

  • Log into your account on the website
  • Go to People > Staff
  • Check the box next to one or more staff member you want to set passwords for
  • An “Actions” menu will appear; select “Set mobile password”

The next step depends on whether you are setting the password for one or more users. 

If you are setting the password for just one user, the system will generate a suggested password for you. You can accept the suggestion or choose your own password (8 characters minimum). The system will optionally send an email with the new password to the user. Alternatively, you can turn off the email and notify the user yourself.

If you are setting the password for multiple users, you don’t have the option of providing your own password. Instead, the system generates unique passwords for every user and sends out email notifications automatically.

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