Posts Tagged


HTTPS Auto-Promotion with Docker and NGINX
HTTPS Auto-Promotion with Docker and NGINX

One of the promises of Docker is the ability to run your code like it’s in production everywhere, including when you’re writing it. Differences in the runtime setting are meant to be controlled with configuration. This is a great idea. Something…

Deploying Ember apps to S3 and Cloudfront
Deploying Ember apps to S3 and Cloudfront

How serving Ember apps from S3 and Cloudfront simplified dev environments, sped up builds and deploys, and made our production infrastructure smaller and more scalable Gridium’s Tikkit application has three separate front-end Ember apps that all talk to a common…

Search inside attachments with AWS Elasticsearch
Search inside attachments with AWS Elasticsearch

Gridium’s Tikkit work order management system runs on a microservices architecture, with Docker containers managed by Kubernetes.  We’ve divided our application into small, reusable components, each of which runs in its own Docker container.  Kubernetes takes care of keeping the right…